Early this year, I was invited by The Diversity Institute to be part of a workshop they were conducting for Jewish Family and Children's Services MN. Malissa Stanton Adams, co-founder of The Diversity Institute set the stage by guiding attendees through The Impact of Diversity Without Inclusion. For the closing activity and to set next steps, I facilitated Big Change - Small Acts of Inclusion using 50 Fun Things® as a tool. The groups generated way more the 50 ideas! See which ones speak to you and then take action on them.

The list below is a compilation of the ideas the groups brainstormed together.
To make it easier to skim, the ideas have been organized into general categories of actions (many could easily be in other categories):
Express sincere interest in a person's life
Greet people using their name
Introduce/connect people to each other and let them know why
Connect people within your numerous social circles
Extend cool invitations
Accept cool invitations
Invite a friend to take a class with you
Ask people what their favorite thing is about themself
Walk around the office more connect with people/visit someone on first floor
Bring a frisbee to work, find someone to play with
Ask someone to go for a walk/go for walks with people/lunch group walk
Ride together to meetings
Have individual conversations with everyone on my team about what they need to feel they belong
Laugh or make someone laugh
Ask people about their day
Participate in activities that attract diverse folks
Be open to hanging out with people outside your usual social circles

Talking with team about how inclusion impacts work and goals
Choose not to stay silent on an issue or topic you’re passionate about
Affirm when something happens in someone’s community
Have open conversations to learn more
Learn something new about a different culture
Ask open ended questions to invite conversation and welcome story
Check in with yourself at the end of each day
Supporting and buying from minority-owned businesses
Talk to your kids or family about your experiences
Making connections outside of my team
A half sheet on how to respond to call-ins without defensiveness
Utilize “ouch” and “oops” exercise (a tool taught by The Diversity Institute)
Asking for feedback
Ask how to wish someone a good holiday or what to say for a tragedy
Start meetings with check-ins
Give explicit permission at beginnings of meetings to meet our needs
Encourage people to shoot their shot
Comfort people and sadness
Offer and be willing to receive help
Forgive someone not kind to me
Be more appreciative
Listen with intention to others as they tell me about themselves
Make time to learn how to be more aware and a better ally on my own
Golden Rule: Treat everyone how you like to be treated (with respect)
Sit by someone I don't know well in meetings
If I hear a micro-aggression talk to the impacted person to find out how they want me to support them
Question WHY? My first thought
Not be quick to anger
Notice my own defensiveness around these issues
Walk humbly and bravely into new and unfamiliar spaces/places to learn
Meditate and pass it on
Ask a coworker if they are okay
Understanding and learning cultural nuances
Learn names of coworkers
Go out of my comfort zone
Be more quiet/active listening during conversation
Continuing this conversation
Being aware of greeting people when out and about
Address people the way they would like to be addressed (e.g. pronunciation, nickname only if they want to be called by a nickname, pronoun, title)

Group time:
Start a book club
Movie club/movie time
Find ways to connect people around common interests
Volunteer projects
Shout outs (e.g. thanks co-workers for starting a crochet club)
Gather with others with similar interests (e.g. through MeetUp), learning a new language, gain cultural awareness, philosophy, adventures, activities)
Attending community events (and invite coworkers)
Communing with food/beverages:
Eat lunch among other people
Cultural potluck
Friday donut day
Spicy snack tasting
Pizza party
Cooking contest chili and baking
Tea exchange
Bring a fun coffee extra such as syrup, creamer, a few K cups, disposable cups for the coffee station to share
Have coffee with new people and catch up with long-time coworkers
Happy hours with new staff
Have coffee or lunch together
Buy lunch for a coworker

Smile and say "hello" with a smile
Share things of interest you know about going on in the city
Share/coach a new skill
Shadow someone else
Sharing “pro tips” for work short cuts
Learn to do something new together
Share things that bring joy (e.g. colorful gel pens)
Have fun with coworkers
People sharing pictures and stories from trips
Share a fun song
Each person share a favorite song
Funny story hour
Celebrate together
Coloring books
Invite new people to meditation
Be interested in other people's lives

Communicate “great job” or other positive comments.
Give specific, authentic compliments
Accepting compliments
Random email compliments/send emails to people to show appreciation/Send emails to people to show appreciation
Send thank you notes for acts of inclusion
Be gracious
Thanking people not traditionally labeled as leaders for their leadership
Writing and mailing/giving thank you cards/notes
Thank you notes to team members
I "love" you notes (express what you appreciate about them)
Say nice things behind peoples backs (and to their faces)
Discourage gossip
Thanking for support with a unique twist
See the beauty in differences
Tell people thank you more often
Practice random acts of kindness
What ideas will you take action on to be inclusive? Consistent small acts of inclusion can lead to big positive change.

Are you looking for a fun, transformative workshop or speaker to leave you attendees feeling empowered and excited? Here's how to contact me about bringing 50 Fun Things to your next live or online event!